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What are ACID properties in DBMS?

Hello, Friends in this blog post(What are ACID properties in DBMS) I am going to let you know about the ACID properties in the DBMS system. ACID properties are associated with consistency, atomicity, durability, and isolation. These acid properties of DBMS are used to make our database consistent and authentic. Now I will explain all these four properties below one by one.

Within this blog(What are ACID properties in DBMS) we are going to see What is an acid property in DBMS. What are acid properties in DBMS in Hindi? Serializability in DBMS, ACID properties in DBMS with examples ppt, ACID properties in DBMS Transaction states in DBMS, Explain ACID properties of transaction with a suitable example, ACID properties in SQL, Isolation in DBMS

ACID properties in DBMS:


These are the first acid properties as per the naming convention.

This atomicity property states that if a database transaction occurs then either it will be completed or failed.

there would not be any middle state like the transaction status showing that it is partially completed.

So there could be only states in database transaction as per this atomicity one is a success and another is a failure, aborted, etc.

For example, Sunny has 1000 Rs. in his account and Ravi has 5000 Rs.

In his account and now Ravi is making a transfer of 2000 Rs. from his account to Sunny’s account unfortunately, this transaction failed but we talked about the transaction state:

So, in this case, the reflected money in the sunny account is 1000 Rs. Whereas the money reflected in the Ravi account is 3000 Rs. But the total amount as sunny + Ravi does not preserve the original value which is 6000.

I can make you understand this acid property with a real-life atomicity example. In this ear of ATM to withdraw money from, almost we all go to this machine to money.

Sometimes it happens that your transaction fails but you receive a message on your phone that you have been deducted a certain amount that you tried to withdraw.

But in actuality, your money has not been deducted in reality you just get a triggered SMS then the money gets deducted but the system gets fails before sending your money out in the ATM tray box.

So here atomicity property takes care of your transaction and reverts it back and as an effect, you get your money back in your bank account.

So to avoid these cases atomicity should be ensured for every transaction.

Where these uncompleted transactions would be rolled back to the original value that they had preserved before the transaction.

These acid properties in SQL ensure the authenticity of some very confidential data transactions like money transactions and safety too.


This is the second acid property as per the naming convention.

This property ensures that the sum of A+B should be unchanged by the completion of the transaction.

Here A and B stand for a transaction. As per this consistency property, there should not be any impact on data residing in the database before and after the execution of the transaction.

for example, let’s say the money is transferred from account A to account B then the sum of money as A+B should be unchanged.


This is the fourth acid property as per its naming convention.

As per this durability property, the system should be durable enough so that it can maintain the updated value even after the system fails.

Here the execution of data is successful but before updating it into a database the system fails. But as per this durability property, the information would be updated once the system is back into action or repaired.

You can understand this acid property by a simple durability example of mobile balance recharge.

Sometimes we recharge our mobile phone and the recharge is successful but in our mobile APP the mobile data does not update or our recharge plan does not update.

But in reality, it has been recharged. But due to some problems like a server being down, a technical problem in code or machine, and low internet connectivity your mobile recharge status does not reflect on your mobile APP.

Here durability properties ensure that your data will be updated for sure once the system is up or the system update cycle has been scheduled.


This is the Third acid property as per the naming convention. As per this property, if there are simultaneous and parallel execution of transactions then the execution of transactions…

… only will be carried out if it will be the only transaction in the system. That means no transaction will impact the existence of the other execution.

For example: if A is transferring the money to B and at the same time before completion of execution someone makes a transaction request for A+B then it could be…

… inconsistent data if the update of A and B would have happened. So to avoid this type of case we ensure the isolation property properly.

A concurrent control component system ensures the isolation property to make a transaction consistent.

So by using these acid properties, we can make consistent database transactions.

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The acid properties of DBMS are made up of four components that is atomicity, consistency, durability, and isolation. These properties make our database records and database transactions consistent and authentic. These acid properties take care of all the system failures, aborted, and tracks of transaction states before and after the execution of a transaction. Here you can also find a few real-life atomicity examples and durability examples |What are ACID properties in DBMS|

Using this blog post(What are ACID properties in DBMS) we have gone through What is an acid property in DBMS? What are acid properties in DBMS in Hindi? Serializability in DBMS, ACID properties in DBMS with examples ppt, ACID properties in DBMS, Transaction states in DBMS, Explain ACID properties of transaction with a suitable example, ACID properties in SQL, Isolation in DBMS

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