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Google Adsense Account Setup step by step For Your Website or Blog.


Hello Friends, In this Blog Post(Google Adsense Account Setup step by step), I am going to let you know about an interesting service that is Google Adsense.

Google Adsense(Google Adsense Account Setup step by step) Changes your passion or work into money, and that is its best part.

If you are running a Blog or Website and wish to earn money from an advertisement on your site then Google Adsense(Google Adsense Account Setup) is one of the best options available for you|Google Adsense Account Setup step by step|

Your income should be slow at the start but once you get into a complete flow with high traffic then this is the most reliable and authentic method for earning money for…|Google Adsense Account Setup step by step|

..your content. Google Adsense is much better than most of the CPC sites available in the market and authentic too|Google Adsense Account Setup step by step|

The Google Adsense support team also provides you with important suggestions and assistance through email from time to time to improve your practice with Google Adsense|Google Adsense Account Setup step by step|

The most important thing is to always use Google Adsense as per their Adsense policy. Never try to violate their policy|Google Adsense Account Setup step by step|

Within this blog(Google Adsense Account Setup), we are going to see How to Use Google AdSense step by step. How many views do you need for Google AdSense? How do I sign in to Google AdSense? Google AdSense login, Google AdSense sign-up, Google AdSense YouTube, Google AdSense tutorial, Google AdSense earnings, and Google AdSense payment.

This is a very simple concept, write quality content, drive more and more leads or traffic toward your website through your promotion campaigns, and earn more and more money from Google Adsense.

When shall you start using Google Adsense on your website?

There is no such fixed time for this, as you make the website or write the content for profit then you should use Google Adsense ASAP.

Before applying for Adsense just remember that your site should be complete like the:

All pages should have enough content for viewers like Home, About Us, etc.

Indirectly Google is paying you for your content as your content is enough good to fetch the leads, so content is always a top priority.

So you should have enough quality content or blogs on your website so that the Google Adsense team can review your website niche and the quality of your content.

10-15 blogs are sufficient to apply for Google Adsense, but I will suggest having at least 25-30 blogs before applying for the Google Adsense
the reason is you would have a good enough position in the worldwide rank if would have had good content.

You should not have any testing templates, or images on your website which generally comes with the WordPress setup by default as it does not give a good impression and they consider our website in a beta version.

You should have all the necessary stuff required on a website like social media sharing, contact form, subscription form, and comment box, as this stuff adds an extra value or impression for our site.

your website should be neat and clean. It should not contain any unusual content which violates the Google Adsense policy.

So these are some important tips for getting early approval.

What if Google Adsense rejected your request?

Don’t worry! this is just a procedure, they did not find you fit for Google Adsense so they rejected your request.

they will send a proper email for rejection covering all the points or reasons for rejection.

So you just need to improve or work on those points and again apply for Google Adsense, this is a very simple process.

I have also received a rejection for the first-time request.

What did I do when I got a rejection from the Google Adsense Team?

I sent my Google Adsense request very early, I did not have content and also had some testing stuff on my website.

When I sent the request for the very first time then I did not get any reply for 7 days, I was hoping they would surely approve my request as they had already taken 7 days.

I was not sure how much time it takes to review the site, As per the website message it should take 3 days or less for approval.

On the 7th day, I got an email from the Google Adsense team and I felt happy until I opened the email, but unfortunately, it was a rejection email.

But they also sent the points or reasons that were responsible for my rejection.

Then I took a proper time of 25 days and made enough content for my site and other stuff like complete details in the pages, then I again resubmitted the request. This time my request was approved within 2 days.

So if you are complete at your end they will not take more than 3 days, and if you are not fit for approval then they might take 1-7 days to inspect your site.

But an exception is always considered like a few of them get their approval after 1-2 weeks. So don’t worry about the approval days instead you can focus on your website content and management for a quick Google Adsense approval.

Can we link two different Google Adsense accounts with the same website?

Yes, you can easily link two different Google Adsense accounts with your one single website as Google states that the publisher can place the ad code from two different AdSense accounts on the same web page.

And Google has not specified such restrictions over the use of Adsense accounts on the same website.

What is a step-by-step procedure for setting up a Google Adsense account? / How to Use Google AdSense step by step?/ Google Adsense Account Setup.

This is a very simple procedure, you just need to follow the step-by-step procedure given below. Sign up for Google Adsense accounts with the link given below.

Copy and paste it into your browser.

Sign up with one of your Google accounts that you want to connect with Google Adsense. See the image below.

Here enter a few details like your website URL for example Select your country and check a few options as

agreement and all, and then at last click on Create Account. See the image below for the same.

Here you can see your Google dashboard with some disable options, here you need to fill in a few more important pieces of info regarding your payment address. See the image below for the same.

Fill in all the required details here and just click on the submit button. See the image below for the same.

As you click the submit button, you will get a Google Adsense script code. You need to paste this code between the <head> tag of your website. See the image below.

Now, for pasting this code you need to log in to your WordPress website dashboard or Non-WordPress site.

This procedure is the same for WordPress and non-WordPress sites.

Here, you need to go to the theme editor section, in the case of a Non-WordPress site you just go to your index or header page where you have defined the main HTML section for your website. See the image below.

Here select your theme and then click on the header.php page. See the image below.

Here you just need to paste the Google Adsense code inside the head section as shown in the below image. After you paste this code here, the Google Adsense team will review your site, and then they will approve your Adsense account.

Google Adsense might take 3 days to review and approve your site. See the image below.

When the Google Adsense team reviews your website and finds everything fit for your website then they send you back an email…

…regarding the approval of your Adsense account, Now you are allowed to put ads on your website and earn a profit. See the image below for the approval message.


अगर आप adsense के बारें में अभी तक नहीं जानते है और आपने अपना adsense अकाउंट setup नहीं किया है तो आप adsense से रिलेटेड कुछ अच्छे और उपयोगी blogs नीचे दी हुई link से पढ़ सकते है |

Google Adsense Account Setup in Hindi…

Google Adsense account setup in English

How to enable or set up Google Adsense payment or Adsense address verification PIN?

Have you not received your Google Adsense PIN?

How To Submit Tax Information In Google Adsense In Hindi

How to Submit Tax Information Form in Google Adsense for YouTube and Blog


Where do I put the AdSense code on my website

How to create Ad units in Google Adsense


In this blog post(Google Adsense Account Setup step by step), we have explained to you the step-by-step account setup for Google Adsense.  As this process to make a Google Adsense account and activate it successfully is an easy process still most people are stuck in this process and unable to get approval from Adsense for their website. So you can follow this extensive blog for making and setting up your account successfully.

Using this blog post(Google Adsense Account Setup step by step) we have gone through How to Use Google AdSense step by step. How many views do you need for Google AdSense? How do I sign in to Google AdSense? Google AdSense login, Google AdSense sign-up, Google AdSense YouTube, Google AdSense tutorial, Google AdSense earnings, and Google AdSense payment.

In case of any queries, you can write to us at we will get back to you ASAP.

Hope! you would have enjoyed this post-Google Adsense Account Setup step by step For Your Website or Blog.

Please feel free to give your important feedback in the comment section below|Google Adsense Account Setup step by step|

Have a great time! Sayonara!

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