What is the main difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
If you are in college then it’s fine else remember your old college days when you were preparing for DBMS viva. That was a very interesting time when you were just supposed to go inside the viva room. You occupied your place and prepared for a bullet shot in the form of a question. Now you had to answer one question “What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
Within this blog(What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS), we are going to discuss What is the main difference between DBMS and RDBMS? What is the difference between a database and a DBMS? What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS in SQL Server? Is Oracle a DBMS or an RDBMS?
The reason why am I telling this story is that this is the most confusing question in DBMS during your engineering. Though you can be a master in DBMS it was quite difficult to sort out this question of DBMS vs RDBMS|What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS|
And If I am not wrong then most of the students were answering SQL is DBMS and MYSQL is an RDBMS. Some were like SQL and MYSQL is a DBMS and ORACLE is RDBMS. What the understanding was at that time!|What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS|
So here I want to clarify the difference between DBMS and RDBMS. Both systems are for managing the database|What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS|
What is the main difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
DBMS is a system in which data is stored in files. Whereas in RDBMS data is stored in the form of tables.
At a time we can access only one data means to say data can be accessed individually. In RDBMS multiple data can be accessed at the same time.
There is no relationship between the data in DBMS. In RDBMS data present in different tables may or may not be related to each other.
Normalization can not be achieved in the case of DBMS. In RDBMS normalization can be achieved easily.
DBMS does not support the distributed database system. Whereas RDBMS supports the distributed database system.
We deal with small data inside DBMS. Whereas RDBMS deals with a large quantity of data.
There is less security in DBMS. RDBMS has multilayer security which secures the data during data manipulation.
redundancy is common in DBMS. In RDBMS redundancy can be reduced to a minimum with the use of key and indexing.
at a time one user can access the DBMS. RDBMS supports multiple users at a time.
MSACCESS is an example of DBMS. RDBMS examples are ORACLE and SQL servers.

DBMS is a set of interrelated data stored in a file, you did not get this point? Don’t worry! I make it simple it is software that stores and manages data.
For example, Windows FAT32 is simple to understand. In DBMS the data is always stored in a form of hierarchy or navigation.
And user can act like insertion, deletion, and updating the file. A user can also perform data manipulation.
You can also store the data in table format inside the file but you will not be able to relate them with each other or link with each other functionally.
Hierarchy or Navigation:
I hope most of you would have read about the tree in a data structure and that the tree is a hierarchical shape.
If you have not read it then you would have seen a real tree at least. Like a tree that has several branches connected. one branch with more others and then going on ……..
Like the tree, you have a hierarchy structure where one node is connected with one or more nodes starting from the root to the bottom.
For a better understanding see the image below shows a hierarchical structure.

RDBMS is also used to store and manage data but in a tabular form here. you can consider RDBMS as an advanced version of DBMS.
Here you can create any number of tables and can relate them with the use of a key constraint and insert and fetch data as per your requirement. You can easily create, insert, update, delete, alter, and drop data with the use of SQL commands or languages.
In technical language, you can say that RDBMS is a collection of tables related to each other with a foreign key constraint.
What is the difference between a database and a DBMS?
A database is known as a collection of any records, it can be a collection of words on a piece of paper.
A collection of phone numbers, account numbers, contacts, stories, and notes on the paper is an example of a database.
On the other hand, DBMS is a database management software that manages the data efficiently and it allows us to edit, update, and delete operations over the data values.
MSACCESS, ORACLE, and SQL Server are examples of DBMS.
Is Oracle a DBMS or an RDBMS?
Yes, ORACLE is an RDBMS and DBMS and possesses all the properties of RDBMS and DBMS.
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So if we go to conclude this topic DBMS vs RDBMS(What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS) then we would say DBMS is concerned with a file system whether it is FAT32, NTFS, XML, or other registry file systems. Here data can be created manipulated and deleted. Whereas RDBMS is concerned with a form of tables where data can be created, manipulated, and deleted. SQL and ORACLE are examples of such RDBMS.
This is a very basic article about DBMS and RDBMS to make clear the difference between them. We will come up with an updated post on the same very soon to explain it in detail. We have gone through the main difference between DBMS and RDBMS. What is the difference between a database and a DBMS? What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS in SQL Server? Is Oracle a DBMS or RDBMS?|What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS|
In the case of any queries, you can write to us at a5theorys@gmail.com we will get back to you ASAP.
Hope! you would have enjoyed this post about DBMS vs RDBMS(What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS).
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