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How to achieve Security in DBMS?


Hello Friends, In this blog post(How to achieve Security in DBMS), I am going to explain security in DBMS. Security has been always a primary concern whether it is security in networks or security in DBMS.

Within this blog post(How to Achieve Security in DBMS) we are going to explore how a DBMS provides data security. What is data security in DBMS? How does DBMS ensure data security? What is a security consideration in DBMS? What is database security in DBMS, What Types of database security

DBMS has the collection of large data which can be of either category. Some data in DBMS is highly confidential like bank details, credit cards, debit card numbers etc. It must ensure security in DBMS to save these types of confidential data from hackers or phishers|How to achieve Security in DBMS|

Security in DBMS protects the data from various malicious virus that always seeks to steal and misuse data. DBMS ensures security at various levels which are explained below|How to achieve Security in DBMS|

Databases system level:

Here security of DBMS is achieved by using authorization and authentication which allow specific users to enter the system to access required data.

Operating System Level:

Here security in DBMS is achieved by updating the superuser permission granted as per the role of a superuser on the specific data with appropriate permission.

The operating system allows a full grant of permission over the system. So good security is required at the level of a superuser with a good operating system.

Network Level:

Here the security of DBMS is achieved by an encryption method:


(Unauthorized reading of message):


Pretending to be an unauthorized user or sending messages supposedly from an authorized user.

Physical level:

Here the security in DBMS is achieved by identifying the intruders who can damage and steal our computer data. We can use traditional lock and key security to avoid this data attack.

We should also protect our computer system from natural hazards like floods and fire.


Here the security in DBMS is achieved by screening the users to ensure that an authorized user can not give access to the intruders in the system.

Users should be well trained for the use of effective password selection and its secrecy.


Security in DBMS is the primary concern while designing a database in any terms. There are several levels in communication where security in DBMS is required. It could be an operating system level and network level for example. It is a must to secure confidential data in DBMS|How to achieve Security in DBMS|

Using this blog(How to Achieve Security in DBMS) we have gone through how a DBMS provides data security. What is data security in DBMS? How does DBMS ensure data security? What is a security consideration in DBMS? What is database security in DBMS, Types of database security|How to achieve Security in DBMS|

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