Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example.

Hello Friends, In this blog post(Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example), I am going to explain a few prepositions like “Till, Until, Upto, And By”.

If we see the meaning of all these prepositions then it refers to “तक”.|Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example|

So wherever in the Hindi sentence we find this “तक”, we use these prepositions(Till, Until, Upto, And By) for translating it into English.|Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example|

These all prepositions represent a definite time when some event occurs.|Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example|

But here the question is how would you decide which one specific preposition you will use when you have to use it for this meaning “तक”.

So friends, you do not need to worry anymore now, In this blog post we will let you describe when and how to use these prepositions.

And you will easily use these prepositions( till, until, By, upto) without any further confusion.

Though most of you would have read this till and until in the conjunction topic too. And you would know that until refers to a negation of till.

But you need not be confused about till and until here.

We are using them here as a preposition.

And here, both of them refer to the meaning “तक”.

We use of prepositions is based on the used verb in the sentence.

till until by upto use
till until by upto use: Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example

Let’s see a few examples below:

राम ने 9 बजे तक टीवी देखी और एक दूसरा sentence…
राम ने 9 बजे तक टीवी बंद कर दी थी |

If we see the first sentence here, and consider this time 9 as a fixed time then, ram has done this process…

… of watching the TV till this fixed point of time. So we can use till, until, and up to here.

Because whatever the process of watching TV happened before 9.

On the other side, in the second sentence, If we consider this time 9 as a fixed time,…

…then Ram switched off the TV at this fixed time 9.

So here in this sentence, we will use ‘by’.

Let’s see this with the help of another example.

राहुल 4 बजे तक ऑफिस में रुका |
राहुल 4 बजे तक ऑफिस से निकल गया था |

In the first sentence, Rahul was in the office before 4.

Or we can also say Rahul had stayed in the office till 4.

It means the work of staying in the office was continued before 4.

So this whole process of staying in the office was happening…

…before 4 and there was no fixed time in that rather it was a period before 4.

So here in this sentence, we can use till, until, and up to without any problem.

Now we see the second sentence, where Rahul left the office at 4.

Here the process of leaving the office happened at the exact time 4. This refers to a fixed point of time.

So here in this sentence, we will use ‘by’ without any problem.

So what you have to mind in these types of sentences is the verb and its timing.

You have to observe whether the verb is happening at a fixed point in time,…

…or the verb is happening before at a fixed point of time.

If you learn to observe this then you can easily make these types of sentences with the use of these prepositions.

मैं 1998 तक mumbai में रहा |
मैं 1998 तक मुंबई से चला गया था |

Except any fixed point in time you get this meaning “तक “, then you have to use upto only. For ex:-

किसी जगह(Any place)
किसी दूरी(Distance)
किसी नंबर(Till /Until का उपयोग भी कर सकते है )
किसी स्तर(level)
किसी मात्रा(Quantity)
किसी समय की अवधि(Duration of time)

मै बस गोवा तक गया|
I just went upto goa.

हम केवल महान के घर तक ही पैदल चलेंगे|
we will walk only upto तो mohan ‘s house.

मैं रोज 5km तक दौड़ सकता हूँ|
I can run upto five km everyday.

25 तक के पहाड़े सुनाओ|
Recite the table upto 25.

पानी उसके गले तक पहुँच गया था|
The water had reached upto his neck.

मैं एक दिन में दस लोगो तक से मिल सकता हूँ|
I can meet upto ten people in a day.

इसके अलावा इस तरह से भी हम इस sentence को बना सकते है |
I can meet as many as ten people in a day.
I can meet at most ten people in a day.

वो चार घंटे तक ही ऑफिस में रहेगा|
He will stay in the office only upto 4 hours.

मैं चार महीने तक दिल्ली में था , पर मुझे कोई रास्ता याद नहीं|
I was in delhi upto 4 months, but I don’t remember any route.

So friends, so far in this blog we have seen the difference between till, until, upto and by.

And also saw the examples of each.

I hope you would have understood all this easily.

We use till, until, ‘upto’, and by to refer to the word “तक” in Hindi.

These all prepositions are used to express either a fixed time or time duration.

When any event or verb would be happening before a fixed time then we use till, until, and upto.

And when any event or verb happens at a fixed time then we use ‘by’ in the sentence.

Except this, we use ‘upto’ at all the places like any place, level, number, or quantity to express the time duration.

Quick Q&A:

What is the difference between till and up to?

Upto always remains the part of a whole thing.

It is used to represent the quantity, etc.

Till is used to represent the time and distance.

But in most cases, we use till for the events occurring before a fixed point in time.

And we can also use till to represent all the measurable or unmeasurable visible and invisible limits.

What is the difference between by and until with example?

By is used to represent a fixed time or a deadline.

And until is used to represent all the events occurring before now or at a fixed point of time.


I had switched off the TV By 10 pm
I have to work until 6 pm

What is the use of Upto?

We use ‘upto’ to represent the time duration, level, place, distance, quantity, and number with an associated meaning of “तक”.

What is the difference between up till now and up until now?

They both represent the same meaning.

However, their uses may differ based on location and dialog.

You can use any of them at all the places without any problem.

What is the difference between until then and by then?

‘By then’ refers to an event that happens after a fixed point of time.

For any queries, you can write to us at support@a5theory.com we will get back to you ASAP.

I hope you enjoyed this post(Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example).

Please feel free to give your important feedback in the comment section below.|Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example|

Have a great time!|Till, Until, Upto, And By Differences And Example|


I am a blogger by passion, a software engineer by profession, a singer by consideration and rest of things that I do is for my destination.