What is the linked list in the data structure and their types?

A linked list is the collection of data elements or information in a linear fashion which is also known as nodes that are again linked to another node. In this logical ordering, each element is pointed by its previous element except the very first and the last node.|What is the linked list in the data structure|

In this blog post(What is the linked list in the data structure), we are going to let you know about What is linked list is in data structure and its types. What is a linked list with an example? What is the use of a linked list in the data structure? What is a node in a linked list?

A linked list is the serial connecting chain of nodes, where each node contains two fields one is for the data element and another is for the address field which points to the address of another field.|What is the linked list in the data structure|

In the data field, we can have a character, integer, string, or any large record. Whereas in the address field, we will have the address of the next node with the help of an address Pointer.|What is the linked list in the data structure|

To access the whole linked list we need an external pointer that has the address for the very first node of the linked list. and in the address field of the last node,…

… we have a null value which lets us know that this is the end of the list and there is no more node after this. See the image below to understand it better.

Linked list

Advantages of linked list:

A linked list is a dynamic data structure:

As per the heading linked list is a dynamic data structure which means it can grow or shrink during the execution of the RAM as the requirement of a program.

Efficient memory utilization:

When there is a need for memory then it is allocated to the linked list and when it is not needed then it is deallocated.

Ease in insertion and deletion operation:

Using linked list insertion and deletion operations is much easier.

Complex Application easy solution:

Much complex application is easily handled by linked lists.

The disadvantage of a linked list:

More memory space is needed when there are more fields.

Sometimes it is heavy and time-consuming to access the arbitrary data item in the linked list.

Quick Q&A:

What is the difference between an array and a linked list?

In an array, a similar type of data type is stored in a contiguous location whereas in the linked list object which is also called a node is stored…

… which may or may not be in the contiguous order. Inside this node, we have two fields one is an address field and another is a data field.

Which is a faster array or a linked list?

Memory allocation in an array occurs in compile-time and at run time in a linked list. So the operation like modifying something is faster…

… in the array than in the linked list. An operation like insertion and deletion runs fast in a linked list as compared to the array.

What is the difference between an array and an array list?

An array is a fixed-length data structure whereas an array list is a variable-length collection class. Once the array is created in Java then we can not change the length of the array whereas this is possible in the case of an array list.

In the array list, we can not store the primitive data instead we can only store the object. But in the array, we can store both primitive and objects in java.

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A linked list is a data structure in the list of a connected node in serial order. Each node has two fields. one is for data and another is for the address pointer for the next node. The first node of the linked list is pointed by an external pointer. The last node has a null value in the address field which tells us that this is the end of a linked list.|What is the linked list in the data structure|

We have gone through the What are a linked list in data structure and its types? What is a linked list with an example? What is the use of a linked list in the data structure? What is a node in a linked list?

In the case of any queries, you can write to us at a5theorys@gmail.com we will get back to you ASAP.

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