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What is recursion with an example?

recursion vs iteration-what is recursion

In this blog post(What is recursion with an example), I am going to discuss the recursion process that you would have learned in a data structure. I will also discuss the difference in recursion vs iteration.

In this blog, we are going to discuss What do you mean by recursion? What is recursion with an example? What is recursion in the data structure? What are recursion and nonrecursive?…

… Is recursion better than iteration? Which uses more memory recursion or iteration? Why is recursion preferred over iteration? Can iteration always be replaced by recursion? What is recursion in programming?|What is recursion with an example|

What is recursion with an example?

Recursion is the process of self-iteration in reverse order. Recursion is considered the most powerful tool in the programming language.

Recursion is defined as defining anything in terms of itself. If any problem has multiple executions then recursion is the best choice to solve such a problem in reverse order.

It is a great help to the programmer using iteration so that they can easily carry out a certain task several known times or until the desired condition gets true. Recursion works as an alternative to iteration to execute a function repeatedly.

In the programming language, a function is called recursive if it calls itself. However, the recursion call could be conditional or unconditional.

If there is an unconditional call of a function then no function after being called would ever be able to return and an infinite sequence of calls to the same function will be produced. such function will not terminate.

Usually, a recursive function is used with a call to condition, to terminate the particular function recursive call does not prove to be more efficient, rather an equivalent non-recursive is preferred more because of reasons related to performance.

So ultimately recursion is the process where a large program is divided into small segments and then each of its instances gets solved using the recursion process and then we assemble all to make the final solution to the problem.

Example of Recursion:

We can understand the recursion process with the example of the factorial of a number given below

public int FactRec(int n)
  if( n < 2 )
    return 1;

  return n * FactRec( n - 1 );

The first part of this function indicates the primary case sometimes called a safety case and is used to prevent the script from running for infinite time or forever. thus returns the value 1 whenever a value is 1 or less is passed in the function.

The second part is the main part and is kept for the recursion process. The same method is being called with a slight change in a parameter which is decremented by 1 in each step and multiplied by the result with our copy of n.

Recursion vs Iteration: What is the difference between Iteration and Recursion?

The difference between recursion and iteration is given below in table form.

Iteration Recursion
In the Iteration process, a set of statements are executed until a specified condition is achieved.It is the process of defining anything in itself.
The steps involved in the iteration are initialization, condition, execution, and updating.Presence of exclusive IF statement inside the recursive function, specifying the stopping condition.
Any recursive problem can be solved with iteration.Not all problems can be solved with recursion.
it is more efficient in terms of memory utilization and execution is worst to use for simple problems and problems that are not recursive.

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Recursion is the process of calling itself in reverse order. The recursion process is a better option for large recursive problems where it can reduce the function overhead and also the size of executing code to get the final result of the problem. Whereas iteration is the execution of some set of a statement in a program for performing a specific action. Iteration is best for solving small problems as it will be more efficient in terms of memory usage and execution speed.|What is recursion with an example|

We have gone through What do you mean by recursion? What is recursion with an example? What is recursion in data structure? What are recursion and non-recursion? Is recursion better than iteration? Which uses more memory recursion or iteration? Why is recursion preferred over iteration? Can iteration always be replaced by recursion? What is recursion in Python, What is recursion in C, What is recursion in programming, What is recursion in algorithm
Recursion C++, Recursion examples, Recursion vs iteration which is better.

In the case of any queries, you can write to us at we will get back to you ASAP.

Hope! you would have enjoyed this post about What is recursion with an example and recursion vs iteration.

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