What are the types of Data Structures?
Hello Friends, In this blog post, we are going to discuss the types of data structures. The data structure classification is divided into two broad categories, one is a primitive data structure and another is a non-primitive data structure.
In this blog post, we will explore Types of data structure, Categories of data structure, Types of data structure in DBMS, and Linear data structure,…
… Primitive data structure, What is a data structure and its types, What is a data structure example, What is data in data structures, Why is data structure important, Types of data structure, Data structure examples.

Primitive data structure:
This is the first type of data structure, a primitive data structure is a basic structure that is directly executed and controlled by a machine instruction.
These data structures have different representations on different computers.
Examples of a primitive data structure are floating-point numbers, character constants, string constants, pointers, etc.
Non-primitive data structure:
This is the second type of data structure, these are a more complex data structure and are derived from the primitive data structure.
The non-primitive data structure asserts the structuring of a group of homogeneous or heterogeneous data items. An example of a non-primitive data structure is an array, list, file, etc.
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Types of data structure are divided into two broad categories. One is a basic data type that is machine-readable and another is derived from the basic one and is understood by the programs. the first type of data structure is known as primitive and the second type of data structure is known as a non-primitive data structure.
Using this blog we have seen Types of data structure, Categories of data structure, Types of data structure in DBMS, Linear data structure, Primitive data structure, What is a data structure and its types, What is a data structure example, What is data in data structures, Why is data structure important, Types of data structure, Data structure examples.
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