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Core Java Interview Questions On control statement in Java.

core java interview questoin part 5

core java interview questoin part 5

Hello Friends, In this blog post(Core Java Interview Questions On Control Statement in Java) I am going to let you know about a few more questions about core Java that are related to the control statement in Java. The Interview questions of core Java are given below.

Core Java interview questions cover all the important questions of the topic mentioned above.|Core Java Interview Questions On control statement in Java |

These core Java interview questions are a great help to remember all the important highlights and important topics from each Java chapter.|Core Java Interview Questions On control statement in Java |

These interview questions will surely help to understand a few very confusing concepts in Java.|Core Java Interview Questions On control statement in Java |

What is a control statement in core Java?

Control statements are statements that alter the flow of execution and provide better control to the programmer on the flow of execution.

They are useful to write better and more complex programs.

Which loop is efficient out of do-while and while in Java?

In a do-while loop, the statements are executed without testing the condition, the first time. For the second time, only the condition is observed.

This means that programmers do not have control right from the beginning of its execution.

In a while loop, the condition is tested first, and then only the statements are executed.

This means it provides better control right from the beginning. Hence, the loop is more efficient than a do-while loop.

What is a collection in core Java?

A collection represents a group of elements like integer values or objects. Examples of collections are arrays and java. util classes(stack, LinkedList, vector, etc.)

Why goto statements are not available in Java?

‘goto’ statements lead to confusion for a programmer.

Especially, in a large program, if several goto statements are used, the programmer would be perplexed while understanding the flow from where the control is jumping.

What is the difference between return and system? exit(0)?

the return statement is used inside a method to come out of it. System. exit(0) is used in any method to come out of the program.

What is the difference between systems? exit(0) and system. exit(1) in core java?

system. exit(0) terminates the program normally. Whereas system. exit(1) terminates the program because of some errors encountered in the program.

So this was all about the Core Java interview questions on this topic.

These Core Java interview questions could be a great help in your college viva, academic study, and any job interview.

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