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How To Check if a given Binary Tree is Heap.

Check whether the binary is heap

Check whether the binary is heap

Hello Friends, In this blog post(Check if a given Binary Tree is Heap) I am going to let you know how to check whether a given binary tree is Heap, BST(Binary Search Tree), Height balanced tree(AVL Tree), complete binary tree, full binary tree?

Here we are given a binary tree below, and you have to check what type of binary tree is it. And also need to explain the reason for the same|Check if a given Binary Tree is Heap|


Consider the binary tree T in Fig 1. Observe that T is not a heap.

Because neither the largest element in T appears at the top of the heap(max heap) nor the smallest element in T appears at the top of the heap(min-heap).

BST(Binary Search Tree):

Consider the binary T in Fig 1. T is not a binary search tree. Because the 60 and 63 are less than the 66 in its right subtree.

Height Balanced Tree(AVL Tree):

Consider the binary tree T in Fig 1. T is not a height-balanced tree since the balance factor of node 60 is -2.

Each node in a balanced binary tree has a balance of 1, -1, or 0 depending on whether…

… the height of its left subtree is greater than, less than, or equal to the height of its right subtree.

The binary T with all its balance factors is shown in Fig 2 below.

Fig 2 Height balance tree(AVL)

Complete binary tree:

Consider the binary tree T in Fig 1. T is not a complete binary tree.

A complete binary tree is a binary tree whose non-leaf nodes have nonempty left and right subtrees and all leaves are at the same level.

Observe that all leaves are not at the same level in Fig 1.

Full Binary Tree:

Consider the binary tree T in Fig 1.

T is not a binary tree. Since, in a full binary tree, every non-leaf node has a nonempty left and right subtree.

Observe that node 60 and node 4 have no left child.

You can also go through below extensive blog post below.

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Hope! you would have enjoyed this post about how to check whether the given binary tree is a heap, binary search tree, AVL tree, complete binary tree, or full binary tree.

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Have a great time! Sayonara!

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