Searching Techniques In Data Structure.

Hello Friends, In this blog post(Searching Techniques In Data Structure) I am going to let you know about searching in the data structure. Here searching is meant for finding a particular record in the file, table, list, or database.

In this blog post(Searching Techniques In Data Structure), we are going to explore What searching in the data structure is? What are the types of searching? Which is the best searching algorithm in the data structure? What is searching and sorting in the data structure?

What is the search in the data structure? |Searching Techniques In Data Structure?

Searching in the data structure is a process to find a particular element in the list. This search is an important part of the data structure algorithm.

Any operation in an element can only be performed when we find that element in the data list|Searching Techniques In Data Structure|

What are the types of searching?

There are various searching techniques in a data structure which are listed below.

Linear Search, Binary Search, Jump Search, Interpolation Search, Exponential Search, Sublist Search, etc.

Which is the best searching algorithm in the data structure?

As all the searching algorithms have their own importance in a specific situation linear search and binary search can be considered the best searching and are mostly used in the data structure.

What is searching and sorting in the data structure?

When we look at a particular element in the database then this process is called searching, and when we order the elements of the list so that we can easily find out the element in the list then this process is called sorting.

With the help of both searching and sorting, we solved most of the computational problems inside the data structure.

In other words, searching is the process of finding the desired record in a search table.

The search may be internal or external. A table or a file is a collection of records, each record having one or more fields.

The fields which are used to distinguish among the records are known as keys.

While searching, we are asked to find a record that contains other information associated with the key.

For example, given a name, we are asked to find a telephone number, or given an account number, we are asked to find the balance in that account.

A key may be contained within the record, as discussed in the example of the telephone directory, at a specific offset from the start of the record.

Such a key is called an internal key or an embedded key.

There may be a separate table of keys that includes pointers to find records. Such keys are called external keys.

If there are many records, then it will be necessary to store the records in secondary storage.

This kind of searching where most of the table is kept in secondary storage is called external searching.

Whereas searching where the table to be searched is stored entirely in the main memory is called internal searching.

There are two search techniques – linear search and binary search.

The linear search is the simplest of all search techniques that search through the entire table.

The binary search is an efficient method that divides the table into one half and searches in each half.

If the key is matched with the middle element, then the search will terminate.

Please go through the below extensive blog link related to the sorting techniques:

Sorting Algorithm And Their Time Complexity In Data Structure.

What is meant by the Shell sort in data structure?

Radix Sort In Data Structure / What is the radix sort used for?

Merge Sort In Data Structure/ What is merge sorting in data structure?

What is a quick sort of data structure?/ How do you write a quick sort?

Selection Sort In Hindi In Data Structure/ How do you perform a selection sort? / Selection sort kya hai?

Bubble Sort In Hindi In Data Structure/ What is bubble sort for example?/ Bubble Sort Kya Hai?

Insertion Sort In Hindi/ insertion sort step by step/ Insertion sort kya hai?


Using this blog post(Searching Techniques In Data Structure) we have gone through What is searching in the data structure, What are the types of searching, Which is the best searching algorithm in the data structure, What searching and sorting in the data structure, Why need for the data structure. Searching and sorting in data structure help in solving many computational problems.

In the case of any queries, you can write to us at we will get back to you ASAP.

Hope! you would have enjoyed this post about searching techniques in the data structure|Searching Techniques In Data Structure|

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Have a great time! Sayonara!


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