What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL?
Hello Friends, In this blog post(What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL), I am going to let you know about the difference between SQL and MYSQL. Many people are often confused about differentiating SQL and Mysql.
However, most people consider them the same thing like both are the same, and both are database or database designing software|What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL|
But friends, both are quite different and have their styles of property and work. On one side SQL stands for structure query language and on the other hand, MySQL is a SQL server or SQL database|What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL|
SQL is just a language that consists few commands and queries that are executed on a database engine like SQL Server or Oracle server|What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL|
SQL Server is database software that is responsible for managing and handling the database.
This server engine allows running the SQL commands and queries.
We use SQL for many purposes like creating database schemas, storing the data in the database, retrieving the data, and manipulating the data.
SQL was developed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F in 1970 at IBM. SQL is also pronounced as ”Sequel”
SQL was also standardized by the ANSI(American National Standard Institute) in 1986 and by ISO(International Organization for Standardization) in 1987.
So we should always have this thing in our mind that queries or commands are written in SQL…
…and for executing these queries we need a server engine like SQL Server or Oracle server.
SQL is further divided into four main types which are explained below:
DDL के कुछ कमांड्स है CREATE, DROP, ALTER, TRUNCATE, etc. DDL is used to specify the relational database schemas which are not seen by the users.
The commands under DDL are CREATE, DROP, ALTER, TRUNCATE, etc.
DML is used for manipulating the data. With these commands, we can store and manipulate the data in the database.
The commands under DML are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
DCL is used to access the stored data in the database. And DCL commands are GRANT, REVOKE, etc.
TCL is used for dealing with database transactions. And the commands for TCL are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, etc.
SQL Server:
SQL Server is also known as MS SQL server.
This is a kind of software application or tool that is used to store the data and allow execution…
…of the SQL statement or query for performing several operations over data in the database.
SQL Server is responsible for managing and performing the database operation.
SQL server was developed by Microsoft in 1989 for commercial purposes.
This SQL server application was developed with the use of C and C++.
SQL server is platform-dependent. And we can get different software for different platforms.
SQL Server is supported by Windows and Linux. The latest version of SQL is 15.0 which was released in 2019.
Like SQL servers we have some RDBMS like Oracle and DB2.
But the most common and usable server is SQL Server as it is simple to use and easy to manage.
SQL Server is very user-friendly and provides better functionality and user operations.
SQL operational updates are updated at the proper time which makes it most popular amongst all the RDBMS database servers.
Difference between SQL and My SQL In Hindi:
Now we will see the difference between SQL and MYSQL based on some specific points.
SQL or SQL query language is used to retrieve and manipulate the data from the relational database.
On the other side, the SQL server is a software or RDBMS tool which is used to execute the SQL queries.
SQL Server provides us few more features and functionalities that are very helpful for the user to interact with the database.
Developed By:
SQL was developed by IBM around 1970. SQL stands for a standard query language. SQL has been standardized by the ANSI in 1986 and by ISO in 1987.
SQL Server was developed by Microsoft in the year of 1989 and it was developed for commercial purposes.
SQL is needed to specify the relational database schemas.
SQL is needed for storing, retrieving, and manipulating the data in the database.
SQL Server is a software tool that is used to execute SQL commands and queries.
An SQL server is also used to manage and perform the database operation.
Most RDBMS use the SQL query language for creating the database schemas and storing, retrieving, and manipulating the data in the database.
On the other hand, SQL Server is used as an RDBMS database.
SQL Server is available in both command line and GUI format.
Platform Dependency:
As we know SQL is a standardized query language thus it is the same for all platforms. So SQL is a platform-independent language.
On the other hand, SQL Server can not be used for all the platforms, so SQL Server is platform-dependent software.
There are no updates in the SQL statements that have been written once, they will be always the same as SQL is a standardized query language.
On the other hand SQL server is software that is updated very frequently. There have been many versions of SQL released by Microsoft…
… and you can use any of them. With each new version, there would be some new enhancement functionality in the software.
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Friends, In this blog post(What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL) we have seen the difference between SQL and SQL Server. SQL stands for structure query language and SQL is the collection of commands and queries which is used to create database schemas, store data, retrieve data, and manipulate data. SQL Server is a database application or tool used to store the data and allow SQL queries to execute. SQL Server is responsible for managing and performing database operations.
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