Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes that you must avoid.
Hello Friends, In this blog post(Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes) I will discuss the 3 most dangerous email marketing mistakes that you never must have while doing email marketing using any email service provider.
As we all know it is very hard to get a successful email campaign in terms of final sales through email marketing|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
Within this blog(Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes), we will cover What email marketing mistakes should be avoided. What are the disadvantages of email marketing? What is the success rate of email marketing?…
… Top email marketing mistakes, Pitfalls of email campaigns, Power of email marketing, Bad email marketing examples, Leave a comment email marketing, Marketing mistakes to avoid|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
Because even if we do everything perfectly to send a nice email campaign still it is finally the customer’s mind which will decide whether to purchase our product or not.
So it is very necessary not to make a blunder or email marketing mistakes at our end that can cause even a shutdown to our ESP plan along with our sent email campaign and thus indirectly we lose our business and also important time|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
And in this case, if we are working for a third-party client then we can also lose their trust. So it becomes very important to run the email campaign in a very appropriate manner…
… with all important rules and regulations without making serious email marketing mistakes|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
There will be many email marketing victim who has the worst experience with their chosen ESP while doing email marketing.
As I have been here for more than two years in this field as per my experience I can tell you many facts about email marketing users and their problems and email marketing mistakes(Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes).
For example, there are lots of cases when a user gets an SMTP suspension for the very first time and thus loses their scheduled email campaign too which was supposed to send.
And if it was regarding the very next day’s offer or invitation then it was a big loss for you as a result of these email marketing mistakes|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
While doing email marketing this could be the worst thing that can happen to you and at the extreme, the same ESP or SMTP provider will not allow to make you another account with the same details and domain credentials|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
Why does a user reach this situation? What email marketing mistakes are responsible for this situation?
If we talk very generally then this is a fact that 95% of email marketing users are not technology familiar, I mean to say they are just simply business owner who wants to promote their business and sell their products or services.
So to use this email marketing they just simply purchase an ESP plan make their account and verify their email address.
It is fine till now as they would not have made any email marketing mistakes but after this point, there are several important small configurations that they need to complete before sending any email campaign.
Even ESP company has proper documentation and their support team is alert and up to date for setting up your account. But as I said the user is not from a technical background…
… so they understand little and make the wrong configuration into their ESP account or an email marketing mistake.
And the fact is that they do not understand the impact of whatever they usually do. And ultimately, at last, they are slipped into serious trouble sometimes.
But most of the user starts sending an email campaign with half configured account or improper account and then after clicking on the sending button they stuck into the problem by making such email marketing mistakes and then they write an email to the support team.
But sometimes it becomes too late. As in the case of Amazon’s SES account getting suspended then it is very hard to reactivate the account. and will be an unnecessary time and money waste for you.
There are various small email marketing mistakes in the whole email-sending process but I am explaining the top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes that if you avoid then you can not enter into serious trouble which is not recoverable.
1. Domain Verification: Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes

This is the very first email marketing mistake that can cause the suspension of your SMTP server as a result of high spam and bounce email rates.
Most of the users forget to do the domain verification as they don’t understand this process. Usually, they just shoot their email campaign just after the email verification process.
But they forget to make the domain verification at least for the first two shots of an email campaign and in case the user gets to cross the allowed benchmark of spam and bounce email then it is a very high chance to get an email suspension.
So just avoid these email marketing mistakes just verify your domain by putting the SPF and DKIM record to your domain hosting site you can also read the tutorial for the same as every ESP has its tutorial to set up the whole account you need to be careful to follow it step by step.
If you are unable to do this then you can easily take the help of the support team to set up your email account properly in case you do not from a technical background and the ability to set up your account.
2. Third-Party email list or purchased email list: Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes

The email marketing mistake is not to choose or use a third-party email list, though the mistake is to forget the email cleaning process before sending an email campaign each time.
If a new business runner wants to grow his/her business then they use a third party or purchased email list to send their email campaign.
But the problem is generated when they do not clean their email list or shoot their email list directly and get lots of spam and bounce percentage the very first time and cross the boundary of limit and get an SMTP suspension.
So you must always remember to clean your email list before sending the email campaign each time. you should also clean your subscriber list too as sometimes it becomes too old…
… or can have some temporary or disposable email address. We must keep on repeating such a procedure to avoid email marketing mistakes.
3. Web-hook for spam and bounce: Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes

This is very important to configure as this can save us sometimes when the upper email marketing mistakes do not have a major impact.
But if this webhook point will not be configured then we will get a suspension in 4-5 email campaign sending as we will easily cross the spam and bounce email boundary.
These are the hook point that helps to get the details of spam and bounce emails in our ESP GUI or dashboard from our SMTP server.
Usually, there is 3-5% of average spam and bounce emails allowed to be sent per email campaign. The rate depends on the nature of ESP, but we can consider a standard rate of 5%.
If we will configure the webhook endpoint then we will be able to reduce the spam and bounce email in each email campaign sending as these emails will be blocked by the system and no email will be sent to these email addresses.
All the ESP have their process to configure the webhook endpoint to get the details of spam and bounce emails. you just need to set the HTTPS endpoint to your SMTP account.
I will suggest following the tutorial given by ESP for the same to avoid these email marketing mistakes.
See a few best tips for effective email marketing.
Learn Email marketing in Hindi.
30+ Best Email marketing service providers study and reviews.
8 Best Tips for sending a successful email campaign.
You can also go through a few important blog links related to email marketing below:
How to stop email from falling into the user’s spam folder.
See a few best tips for effective email marketing.
Learn Email marketing in Hindi.
30+ Best Email marketing service providers study and reviews.
8 Best Tips for sending a successful email campaign.
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When email marketing is very beneficial in terms of earning a profit then we should do it with a serious mindset and proper procedure to avoid blunders or serious email marketing mistakes(Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes). Email marketing is not limited to just sending emails to some email list. However, is all about sending the email campaign with proper planning and account configuration to make it successful in the end and thus earn some profit in terms of sales. So just make sure you are done with full account configuration before shooting any email campaign|Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes|
Using this blog post(Top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes) we have gone through What email marketing mistakes should be avoided? What are the disadvantages of email marketing? What is the success rate of email marketing? Top email marketing mistakes, Pitfalls of email campaigns, Power of email marketing, Bad email marketing examples, Leave a comment email marketing, Marketing mistakes to avoid.
In the case of any queries, you can write to us at we will get back to you ASAP.
Hope! you would have enjoyed this post about the top 3 biggest email marketing mistakes.
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Have a great time! Sayonara!