How to Setup SMTP in Gmail?
Hello friends, In this blog post(How to Setup SMTP in Gmail), I am going to tell you about how we can set up our Gmail SMTP Gmail SMTP relay, or Gmail SMTP Setup.
In this blog post(How to Setup SMTP in Gmail), we are going to discuss a few important questions related to the Gmail SMTP setup:
How do I enable SMTP in Gmail?
What is the SMTP server for Gmail?
How do I set up an SMTP server for email?
How do I use the Google SMTP server?
What is my Gmail SMTP username and password?
What is the SMTP username and password for Gmail?
What are Gmail server settings?
How to Setup SMTP in Gmail?
You are almost done with the setting, This is the last step that you need to do without this all sets would be of no use.
Enable Captcha setting: just click the below link and make sure you are logged in to your Gmail account.
Enable Captcha Setting
Now your Gmail SMTP is ready for sending emails.
So this was the complete Gmail SMTP configuration. Please keep reading our blogs, we will update you with some more SMTP configuration and setup in an upcoming blog post.
What is SMTP?|Where is this useful for?| How to Setup SMTP in Gmail?
Please check it out here with an extensive tutorial link… Now you have been clear about SMTP and its use.Do you know, how many emails you can send using your Gmail SMTP account…..?
You can send 100-150 emails/day using your SMTP account.But what, if you wish to send more emails using your Gmail account….?
Then you need to connect with the Gmail SMTP server.How to connect with the SMTP server….? How many emails can we send using Gmail SMTP…?
You can easily connect with the Gmail SMTP server using its SMTP relay services. There are a few parameters that you need to have to connect with the SMTP, they are given below. From Email: (Sending email)Use the email that you want to show to your customers, users, and clients. SMTP Name: You can keep any name, and you can keep any name related to Gmail SMTP. Host: Post: 587 Username/API: Gmail account login email. Password/Secret Key: Gmail account login password.Where to use this Gmail SMTP relay setting…?
You can use this setting with any email client like Outlook, thunderbird, iPhone, Postmark, Elastic Email, etc. You will be allowed to send 500 emails/per day. Gmail SMTP sending can be increased up to 2000 emails/day in G-Suite, Please go through the below link for more. Gmail SMTP sending limits in G-Suite…Is this setting enough to send emails using Gmail SMTP….?
No, you are still not done with the setting yet. Just make two important changes to your Gmail account given below.3 important Gmail account settings without which we can not use Gmail SMTP(Gmail SMTP Relay).
You need to make a 2-step verification, see the image below.

Now make another change by turning ON the less secure apps, see the image below.

Quick Q&A:
How do I enable SMTP in Gmail? The procedure for enabling Gmail SMTP is quite simple, please follow the below procedure: First, go to the setting at the right top. Now click on the option “forwarding POP/IMAP” Then Enable IMAP access or/and POP download.What is the SMTP server for Gmail?
The incoming and outgoing Gmail SMTP server details are given below:Incoming mail IMAP server: Requires SSL: Yes Port: 993Outgoing mail SMTP server: Requires SSL: Yes Requires TLS: Yes (if available) Requires Authentication: Yes Port for SSL: 465 Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587How do I set up an SMTP server for email?
For setting up the Gmail server please go through this blog above.How do I use the Google SMTP server?
For using the Google SMTP server you have to use the Google or Gmail SMTP relay set which is given below:- Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:
- Use Authentication: Yes.
- Use Secure Connection: Yes (TLS or SSL depending on your mail client/website SMTP plugin)
- Username: your Gmail account (e.g.
- Password: your Gmail password.
- Port: 465 (SSL required) or 587 (TLS required)
What is my Gmail SMTP username and password?/ What is the SMTP username and password for Gmail?
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