Gmail Labels: How To Create And Manage Gmail Labels?
Hello Friends, In this blog post(How To Create And Manage Gmail Labels), I am going to discuss Gmail Labels. In this blog post, we are going to discuss a few important questions related to Gmail labels:
How do I use labels in Gmail?
What is the difference between labels and folders in Gmail?
What are system labels in Gmail?
How many labels can you have in Gmail?
Can you color code labels in Gmail?
How do I automatically move emails to labels in Gmail?
Where did my labels go in Gmail?
Where are my labels in Gmail?
How To Create And Manage Gmail Labels?
1. log in to your Gmail Account.
2. Click on Create a new label on the left side panel.
3. Enter the name of the label you want to create.
4. you can also create a sub-label.
5. Add another label to My Emails.
6. Here you can see your labels created on the left side panel.
7. Now, give a color to all your labels.
8. Your labels will be visible with colors now. Your email conversation and storing in the labels will acquire the same color as their specific label.
9. After coloring your labels your email storage flow can be identified easily. And you can move it finally to the concerning label when all the conversation regarding the email is over.
2. Here you can perform several operations on your labels like edit, hide, show, remove, etc.
3. Auto-Reply email allows you to set the auto-reply to your Gmail account. You can set the vocational autoreply to your subscribers. You can also set the time duration for your auto-reply emails.
4. you can restrict any email with some conditions on them. You need to set the filters here.
5. Email Forwarder: You can add an email forwarder and you will receive all the emails of this account to your email forwarded email.
So this was all about creating and managing the Gmail labels.
Make your email sending easy and interesting by labeling them.
What are labels in Gmail?|How To Create And Manage Gmail Labels
Gmail Labels are nothing but a name given to your email storage group by category. Suppose you are getting several emails regarding your product1 and product2 then you can manage the emails separately for your products.What are the benefits of creating these Gmail Labels…?
It becomes very easy to manage and answer your emails if you have kept them with the labels using Gmail labels. When you receive emails query in bulk then you can easily identify them with the label colors and can immediately answer and move them to the respective labels. You can also answer the priority of the email as they easily identify with their color, which will increase the productivity of your service and ease of management. It is also easy to distribute your work by filtering out the emails into their specific labels, several people can work on answering them. It will make your response fast and save you time. It is easy to search emails if they are stored with Gmail labels. It is also useful in the analysis of emails of a specific category.How can we create these Gmail labels? / How do I add a label in Gmail?
It is a very simple process to create Gmail labels. Please follow the below procedure step by step.1. log in to your Gmail Account.

2. Click on Create a new label on the left side panel.

3. Enter the name of the label you want to create.

4. you can also create a sub-label.

5. Add another label to My Emails.

6. Here you can see your labels created on the left side panel.

7. Now, give a color to all your labels.

8. Your labels will be visible with colors now. Your email conversation and storing in the labels will acquire the same color as their specific label.

9. After coloring your labels your email storage flow can be identified easily. And you can move it finally to the concerning label when all the conversation regarding the email is over.

How can you manage your labels….? / How do I change the order of labels in Gmail?
You can easily manage your labels. 1. Click on manage labels on the left side panel
2. Here you can perform several operations on your labels like edit, hide, show, remove, etc.

3. Auto-Reply email allows you to set the auto-reply to your Gmail account. You can set the vocational autoreply to your subscribers. You can also set the time duration for your auto-reply emails.

4. you can restrict any email with some conditions on them. You need to set the filters here.

5. Email Forwarder: You can add an email forwarder and you will receive all the emails of this account to your email forwarded email.

Quick Q&A: How To Create And Manage Gmail Labels?
How do I use labels in Gmail?
In Gmail, Labels are used to separate the category of emails you receive in your mailbox. You can create multiple labels inside your Gmail account and provide them with an appropriate name and color as per your email categories. And when you receive emails in bulk then you can easily filter out them with the help of labels’ names and colors.What is the difference between labels and folders in Gmail?
If we see it broadly then both are used to separate the emails by categories and used to filter and group the emails. Labels are tags that are used to mark a specific group of emails. In the same way, the Gmail folder is also used to separate the emails of a different group. But there can be more than one label on the same message or email but one folder will be dedicated to one tag or label that is assigned to it.How many labels can you have in Gmail?
You can have 5000 labels inside your Gmail account.How do I create a label and filter in Gmail?
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