B-Tree Example In Data Structure.
Hello Friends, In this blog post(B-Tree Example In Data Structure) I am going to let you know about the B-Tree in Data Structure. B-Tree of order n is a balanced multiway search tree of order n, In which each non-root node contains at least (n-1)/2 keys.
In this blog post(B-Tree Example In Data Structure), I am going to let you know What is B Tree explained with an example. How are B trees used in the database? What are the properties of the B tree? What is the B tree structure in SQL Server?
What is B Tree explained with an example? B-Tree Example In Data Structure?
A B tree is a tree data structure that stores data and allows search, inserts,s, and deletion in the database.
Unlike the self-balancing binary search tree B, the tree is used to read and write the large block of data.
The most common use of the B tree is in the database and file system|B-Tree Example In Data Structure|
How are B trees used in the database?
If a database uses the binary search then a record can be identified by just indexing and sequential search by searching through every element using the traversal in the leaf node.
But in the case where no indexing is performed in the database then to find a record in the database, we have to traverse each record in the database.
The database reads each of the records to find a particular record. Each node in the B tree and B+ tree is kept inside the pages.
What are the properties of the B tree?
As per Knuth’s definition, a B-tree of order n is a tree that satisfies the following properties:
- Every node has at most ‘n’ children.
- Every non-leaf node (except the root) has at least ⌈n/2⌉ child nodes.
- The root has at least two children if it is not a leaf node.
- A non-leaf node with k children contains a k − 1 key.
What is the B tree structure in SQL Server?
A B tree structure provides a fast way of searching the records row and tables based on the index key to the SQL server.
It finds out the required value directly without scanning all the underlying table rows.
Note that the slash denotes integer division so that a B-Tree of order 12 contains at least 5 keys in each non-root nod, as does a B-Tree or order 11).
A B-Tree or order n is also called an n-(n-1) tree or an (n-1)-n tree. This means that each node in the tree has (n-1) maximum keys and n sons. The reason for using this second technique is,……….
that it creates balanced trees so that the maximum number of nodes accessed to find any particular key is kept small.
Another reason is that all nodes(except for the root) in a tree created by this technique are at least half full, so very little storage space is wasted.
some terminology is different in B-Tree. Such as order and degree are differently defined by different authors.
The order of a B-Tree is defined as the minimum number of keys in a non-root node(that is (n-1)/2)
The degree of a B-Tree is the maximum number of sons(i,e.,n). Still, other authors use ‘order’ to mean the maximum number of keys in a node.
What is B Tree explained with an example?
Example of B-Tree:
We have to insert the following keys into the B-tree of order 5 step by step:
Now we start inserting the given data into a B-Tree of order 5 (that means the maximum number of keys = 4).
The whole process is given below.

So, at last, we get our final B-Tree.
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Within this blog post(B-Tree Example In Data Structure) we have learned about What a is B Tree explained with an example, how B trees used in the database, What are the properties of B trees, and What is a B tree structure in SQL Server.
In the case of any queries, you can write to us at a5theorys@gmail.com we will get back to you ASAP|B-Tree Example In Data Structure|
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