How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse?

Hello Friends, In this blog post(How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse), I am going to discuss how to send 15000 emails/month for free for your 500 subscribers using sendPulse SMTP. Here we will dictate to you what is the best free SMTP server. and how do I get a free SMTP server?| How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse| Within this blog(How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse), we will discuss the SendPulse SMTP relay, SendPulse SMTP settings, and Free SMTP server. You can either send the emails from SendPulse ESP or you can also use it as an SMTP relay for sending the emails from another ESP.|How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse| Either way, you choose but the domain needs to be verified to send the emails campaign successfully.|How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse|
How to send the emails from SendPulse SMTP using GUI? / How do I get a free SMTP server? / SendPulse SMTP settings|How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse?
It is a very simple process, follow the given procedure below. 1. Sign up to Send pulse SMTP account you have not signed yet. Login Link: sendpulsesignup1
2. Verify your Email address. Once you will sign up to Sendpulse SMTP they will send a verification email to your signup email inbox, so just check your email inbox, click on the verification link And your Email address will be verified.
3. Verify your Domain. For verification of your domain address, you need to add the SPF and DKIM records(you will get at the Sendpulse SMTP account) to your domain hosting site from where you have purchased your domain.

How to get the SPF and DKIM from SendPulse SMTP?

SPF: Just follow the below procedure for the same. Click SMTP Setting>>SMTP  then you will get the SPF records here. See the image below. sendpulse3 DKIM:  Go to SMTP Setting>>Tracking  sendpulse4 Here you can add an email to the domain to be verified and then get the DKIM key for your domain by clicking Create Domain Key. sendpulse5 Here you get the value of the record for DKIM. sendpulse6

How do add these records to the domain hosting site?

Say, you have purchased your domain from Godaddy then log in to your Godaddy account. This procedure is quite similar to all the domain hosting sites. Login to your domain hosting site where have you purchased your domain for example login to Godaddy if you have purchased your-     domain from Godaddy. godaddy-login
Click on Manage. godaddy-managedns
Click on Manage DNS. godaddy-managednsbutton
Click on the add button to add all the required values you have got above. awsdomainimg5
 Here you can add all the values like TEXT, CNAME, MX, etc. So just add all the values one by one. In the TTL field, you can enter 1 hour as this field indicates the records update time. Godaddy-addingtext-records  Now you are ready to create your email templates and send them to your users. Note: Once you add the SPF and DKIM records to your domain hosting site then it can take up to 24 hours to update your records.

How to create an email, upload contacts, and check tracking reports?

SendPulse provides you with all these facilities for uploading contacts, creating emails, and checking tracking reports. Go to the Emails tab. See the below image for the same. sendpulse7

How to send emails with third-party ESP using the SendPulse SMTP relay service?

For using the SendPulse SMTP you will need the following parameters below. SMTP Name – SendPulse HOST – PORT – 465 From Email (Verified in SMTP) – Write the email that you’ve verified in your SendPulse account USERNAME/API – Write here the login email that you’ve got from your SendPulse account. Password/Secret KEY – Write here the password that you’ve got from your SendPulse account. Once you get all these parameters, you can send the emails using third-party ESP using the SendPulse SMTP relay service.

How can I get these parameters using SendPulse SMTP?

You can get these within your SendPulse SMTP account, see the procedure below. Go to SMTP Setting and get these parameters requested above. sendpulse2
A quick look at all the features you can get at SendPulse is given below, see the image below. sendpulse8
You can also go through a few important blog links related to email marketing below: How to stop email from falling into the user’s spam folder. See a few best tips for effective email marketing. Learn Email marketing in Hindi. 30+ Best Email marketing service providers study and reviews. 8 Best Tips for sending a successful email campaign. Domain Registration vs Domain Hosting In Hindi… Email को Spam folder में जाने से कैसे रोके?… Which domain is best for effective email marketing… What does it mean if your account is suspended?… How badly do emails impact your email campaign… SPF और DKIM रिकार्ड्स क्या होते है, कहा पर मिलते है और कहा पर उन्हें रखना होता है ?… Email marketing क्या है और इसका उपयोग कैसे करते है ?… How do I check if a sent email ended up in the receiver’s spam box automatically… हम Email में कितनी बड़ी file attachment भेज सकते है … Can Yahoo Send Scheduled Emails… SMTP क्या है और कैसे काम करता है… Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes In Hindi… Email Scraping In Hindi… Email marketing क्या है और इसका उपयोग कैसे करते है… SPF and DKIM records in Hindi… 5 Free Email Marketing Software…

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So, in this blog post(How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse), you got to know how many emails you can send using SendPulse SMTP. Here you learned how to verify your email and domain addresses with the help of SPF and DKIM records. If you will follow this step-by-step procedure to set up your SendPulse account then it will be very easy to send mass emails free of cost without any difficulties. So, if we conclude our learning then we have learned about the SendPulse SMTP relay, SendPulse SMTP, settings, Free SMTP server, SMTP relay service, SendPulse SMTP server using this extensive blog post(How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse). In case of any queries, you can write to us at we will get back to you ASAP|How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse| Hope! you would have enjoyed this post on How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse. Please feel free to give your important feedback in the comment section below|How to send 15000 emails/month for free using SendPulse| Have a great time! Sayonara!


I am a blogger by passion, a software engineer by profession, a singer by consideration and rest of things that I do is for my destination.